Campanya |
Era |
LdH P |
Idioma |
C af ar bg ca ca cs da de el en@shaw en eo es et eu fi fr fur gl he hr hu id is it ja ko la lt lv mk mr nb nl pl pt pt racv ro ru sk sl sr sr sr sr sv tl tr vi zh zh |
Loremasters are the sages of the dwarvish race. Their counsel is greatly valued by war-leaders and chieftains, and they are viewed with awe by ordinary dwarves, for they alone have plumbed the deepest and most closely-held secrets of dwarven knowledge. It is said that where a loremaster stands, there is the soul of the dwarves. To the abilities of the Annalist they add a limited ability to heal.
Notes especials: Esta unitat és capaç de retardar als seus enemics, reduint a la mitat la seua velocitat de moviment i dany d'atac fins que acabe la tanda. Esta unitat és capaç de neutralisar els efectes del verí en unitats que estiguen al seu voltant. The presence of this unit inspires own units next to it to deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower or equal level. La unitat té atacs màgics, que sempre tenen una alta provabilitat de colpejar a un oponedor. Esta unitat és capaç de realisar sanament bàsic.
Alvança de: | Dwarvish Annalist |
Alvança a: | |
Cost: | 50 |
PV: | 50 |
Moviment: | 5 |
PE: | 150 |
Nivell: | 3 |
Alineació: | neutral |
ID | Dwarvish Loremaster |
Habilitats: | inspire, inspire_1, inspire_2, inspire_3, cura, sana +4 |
![]() | morningstar impactar | 9 - 2 melé | màgic |
![]() | bolas impactar | 6 - 3 distància | màgic retardar |
Resistències: | |
talla | 50% |
perfora | 50% |
impactar | 50% |
foc | 10% |
fret | 10% |
arcà | 10% |
Terreny | Cost de moviment | Defensa |
Aigües fondes | - | 0% |
Aigües someres | 3 | 20% |
Aldea | 1 | 50% |
Arena | 1 | 30% |
Bosc | 1 | 30% |
Camp de bolets | 1 | 40% |
Castell | 1 | 60% |
Coastal Reef | 2 | 30% |
Cova | 1 | 50% |
Flat | 1 | 30% |
Frozen | 2 | 30% |
Impassable | - | 0% |
Montanyes | 1 | 70% |
Pantà | 3 | 20% |
Tossals | 1 | 60% |
Unwalkable | - | 0% |